TKP AND THE United nations Sustainable development goals

Creating Solutions to global challenges in rural Kenya

The United Nations is on a mission to transform the world we live in, improving it significantly by 2030, through the Sustainable Development Goals campaign. These 17 goals are aimed at tackling some of the biggest challenges facing humanity–from sweeping poverty off the map, to combating hunger and fighting inequality, to taking on climate change. World leaders, businesses, local governments and nonprofits worldwide have committed to overcoming these challenges. With this ambitious framework in place, there's hope that together, we can create a brighter future for ourselves and future generations.

At The Kilgoris Project, we are committed to empowering communities and encouraging sustainable development because we know education is a catalyst for positive change. With your partnership and investment, TKP is making an impact across the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Join us on a mission bigger than each of us and bigger than TKP

Leaders from across TKP are sharing their thoughts on how you and TKP are making a difference in these areas. This April and May, we invite you to learn more about your impact, where we are headed, and how you can help. The essays below give a glimpse into the challenges the people of Kilgoris face and how TKP partners with the community for change.

This spring we’re raising $50,000 to further our impact in these six big areas. We invite you to join us for the first time, or to give again to further our work in these impactful areas.