Hello, Field partner!

We are thrilled to share the newly re-launched program for our dedicated monthly givers — TKP's Field Partner Alliance. Your exclusive membership in this group brings positive impact to children in Kilgoris EVERY day. With this special rebrand, we hope to draw you closer to your impact through exclusive content from our leadership team and friends in Kenya, monthly newsletters, special mailings, and more for you to see your gifts in action. 

As a current Field Partner, you are a leader in funding school operations, teacher salaries and benefits, classroom supplies, and more. In 2023, we need your help to maximize our impact and transform more children and their families. 

A $10 or $20 increase in your monthly gift brings life-changing resources to the 1,915 children attending TKP's 12 schools in rural Kenya.

As TKP grows, we are moving onto a new monthly donation platform to better serve you.

It only takes 3 minutes to move your donation to the new platform. As a special thanks…an awesome gift is headed your way for taking a few minutes to increase or recommit to your current gift.


1. Visit https://app.moonclerk.com/portal/vh0flf6p0l/signin and enter your email address

2. Click “Send Link” and check your e-mail inbox for the notification from “The Kilgoris Project <notification@moonclerk.com>” Click “Manage Plan” in the email.

3. On the bottom section titled “Cancel Plan”, click “Cancel” – this will cancel your current monthly donation with the old platform

4. MOST IMPORTANT STEP! Scroll down to the form here below, choose and submit your desired monthly donation and you’re ready to go!

If you have any questions or concerns… Don’t hesitate to contact Zach Carpenter, TKP’s Director of Finance at zach@kilgoris.org. He will happily take a break from excel sheets to assist you with your monthly donation. 

Thank you for growing TKP alongside us!